Notes 1–4

1 Principles


General aspects

These financial statements were prepared according to the ­provisions of the Swiss Law on Accounting and Financial ­Reporting (32nd title of the Swiss Code of Obligations). Where not prescribed by law, the significant accounting and valuation principles applied are described below.

Non-current assets

Non-current assets include long-term loans and investments. Loans granted in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate applicable on the balance sheet date; unrealized losses are recorded, but unrealized profits are not recognized. Investments are valued at their acquisition cost adjusted for impairment losses, if any.

Treasury shares

Treasury shares are recognized at historical costs and deducted from shareholders’ equity at the time of acquisition. In case of a resale, the gain or loss is recognized through equity.

Long-term interest-bearing liabilities

Interest-bearing liabilities are recognized in the balance sheet at nominal value. Issue costs for financial debts are capitalized and amortized on a straight-line basis over the financial debt maturity period.

Foregoing a cash flow statement and additional disclosures in the notes

As Cicor Technologies Ltd. has prepared its consolidated financial statements in accordance with a recognized accounting standard (Swiss GAAP FER), it has decided to forego presenting additional information on interest-bearing liabilities and audit fees in the notes as well as a cash flow statement in accordance with the law.

Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments for hedging balance sheet items are stated at fair value upon conclusion of the contract and are shown under other current receivables third parties and financial liabilities third parties. Consequently, the derivative financial instruments are valued at market value at each end of period whereas non-realized gains and losses are recognized in the financial result. The market values of the derivative financial instruments are derived from the market prices at the end of the period. To hedge currency risks, the Group can make use of foreign exchange forwards.

2 Information on Balance Sheet and Income Statement items

2Information on Balance Sheet and Income Statement items

Loans to subsidiaries

Loans in the amount of TCHF 18 150 have been granted to subsidiaries in Switzerland and Asia. Loans in the amount of  TEUR 22 200 have been granted to subsidiaries in Germany. Loans in the amount of TUSD 12 327 have been granted to subsidiaries in Asia. A loan in the amount of TSGD 3 700 has been granted to a subsidiary in Asia.


in 1 000, unless otherwise stated

Participation in %




Cicorel SA, Boudry/Switzerland*



8 000

8 000






Reinhardt Microtech AG, Wangs/Switzerland*



1 800

1 800






Reinhardt Microtech GmbH, Ulm/Germany










RHe Microsystems GmbH, Radeberg/Germany*










Cicor Deutschland GmbH*



5 000

5 000






Cicor Digital Elektronik GmbH, Wutha-Farnroda/Germany 1)










Electronicparc Holding AG, Bronschhofen (Wil)/Switzerland*



23 271

23 271






Swisstronics Contract Manufacturing AG, Bronschhofen (Wil)/Switzerland



3 000

3 000






Systronics SRL, Arad/Romania



5 145

5 145






Cicor Digital Tunisie S.a.r.l., Borj-Cedira/Tunisia* 2)










Cicor UK Ltd., Milton Keynes/UK* 3)










Axis EMS Group Limited 5)










Axis EMS Holding Limited 5)










Axis Electronics Limited



3 355







ESG Holding Pte Ltd., Singapore*



1 896

1 896






Cicor Asia Pte Ltd., Singapore



2 000

2 000






PT Cicor Panatec, Batam/Indonesia










Brant Rock Enterprises Corporation, British Virgin Islands










Cicor Vietnam Company Ltd., Thuan An City/Vietnam 4)



1 500

1 500






Suzhou Cicor Technology Co. Ltd., China



42 033

42 033






Cicor Americas Inc., USA*










Cicor Management AG, Bronschhofen (Wil)/Switzerland*





Management Services





* Directly held subsidiaries of Cicor Technologies Ltd.

1) The company was renamed from Phoenix Mecano Digital Elektronik GmbH.

2) The company was renamed from Phoenix Mecano Digital Tunisie S.a.r.l.

3) The company was renamed from Axis EMS Heights Ltd., Milton Keynes/UK.

4) The company was renamed from Cicor Anam Lt., Anam/Vietnam.

5) In July, the two companies were liquidated as part of a rationalization project.

Non-current financial liabilities

On 20 January 2022, Cicor issued a five-year, interest-free mandatory convertible note (MCN) with a principal amount of CHF 20 million. The MCN was subject to a reopening clause allowing Cicor to increase the principal amount of the MCN up to a maximum  of CHF 60.2 million within the twelve-months reopening period without prior consent or permission of the holders through the issue of further fungible MCNs fully allocated to its main shareholder OEP, under its agreement to provide Cicor with a fully underwritten standby equity facility. On 27 September 2022, Cicor exercised its option to reopen the issuance of the mandatory convertible note in the amount of CHF 40.2 million and to sell these additional notes to OEP.

The conversion price is fixed at CHF 47.50 per share, subject to subsequent adjustments for anti-dilution events. Shares to be delivered upon conversion of the MCN will be new shares to be issued from the conditional capital of the issuer with the same entitlements as the other outstanding shares. No fractions will be delivered and no cash payments will be made to the holders. The MCN contains the following early conversion option for holders: each holder may elect to convert the MCN early during the optional conversion period starting 730 days after issuance up to 10 days prior to maturity or following the formal announcement of a takeover bid to Cicor’s shareholders during the additional offer period, unless certain thresholds have not been met after the first offer period.

Upon occurrence of certain predefined events, the MCNs will be subject to an accelerated conversion and will be mandatorily converted on the maturity date, unless previously converted under the early conversion options or following an accelerated conversion. In accordance with Cicor’s accounting policy for interest-free mandatorily convertible notes, the MCN is classified as an equity instrument in its entirety, as it does not contain any obligations to deliver cash and does not require settlement in a variable number of the Group’s equity instruments.

Non-current interest-bearing liabilities

Cicor signed an amendment to the syndicated bank loan agreement on 30 October 2023. The agreement now includes a revolving credit line of CHF 120 million, the renewal of the existing acquisition line of CHF 75 million (CHF 30 million amortized as of 31 December 2023), a new acquisition line of CHF 50 million and an optional acquisition line of CHF 75 million. As of 31 December 2023, CHF 55 million of the revolving credit line was utilized. The existing acquisition line of CHF 75 million was fully utilized with CHF 45 million outstanding. The new CHF 50 million acquisition line and the optional CHF 75 million acquisition line have not been utilized.

Share capital

Effective as of 20 April 2023, 1 627 new registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each were created from the conditional capital according to Art. 5 bis of the Company's Articles of Association for the remuneration of the Cicor Board of Directors.

The ordinary share capital as of 31 December 2023 consists of 3 411 169 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each (31 December 2022: 3 409 542 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each).

Cicor Technologies Ltd. is a holding company established under Swiss law. According to the provisions of law ­governing the appropriation of retained earnings by holding companies, the share capital and appropriations to the general legal reserve to the extent of 20% of share capital may not be distributed.

Reserves from capital contributions

Distributions from the capital contribution reserve are not subject to income taxes in Switzerland and can be effected free of Swiss withholding tax. The increase in 2022 stems from transactions in November 2021 (CHF 8 030 774) and September 2022 (CHF 4 140 613). The confirmation from the Swiss tax authorities that these additions qualify as part of the capital contribution reserve has not yet been received.


At the Shareholders' Meeting on 18 April 2023, the shareholders decided that no dividend will be paid for the financial year 2022.

Capital band

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 18 April 2023, the Shareholders decided to create a capital band with right to exclude preemptive rights according to Art. 5 quarter of the Company's Articles of Association as follows: The lower limit of the capital band is CHF 34 095 420 and the upper limit is CHF 40 914 500. The Board of Directors is authorized until 12 April 2026 to increase the share capital in one or more steps by a maximum of CHF 6 819 080 by issuing a maximum of 681 908 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each, but not authorized to reduce the share capital. In the event of an increase of the share capital, the new shares must be fully paid up. The Board of directors shall determine the time of issue of new shares, the issue price, the method of payment, the conditions for the exercise of preferential subscriptions rights and the commencement of the dividend entitlement. The Board of Directors may exclude the shareholders preferential subscription rights in whole or in part if certain conditions are met.

Conditional capital

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 16 December 2021, the Shareholders decided to create conditional capital according to Art. 5 ter of the company’s Articles of Association as follows: The share capital of the Company may be increased by an additional maximum amount of CHF 13 303 750 by issuing up to 1 330 375 fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 10.00 each through the exercise or compulsory exercise of conversion, exchange, option or similar subscription rights granted to shareholders or third parties, alone or in connection with bonds, loans, options, warrants or other financial market instruments or contractual obligations, subscription or similar share subscription rights, granted to shareholders or third parties, alone or in connection with bonds, loans, options, warrants or other financial market instruments or contractual obligations of the Company or one of its subsidiaries.

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 12 April 2022, the Shareholders decided to extend the conditional capital according to Art. 5 bis of the Company’s Articles of Association as follows: The share capital may be conditionally increased by a maximum of CHF 1 200 000 by issuing up to 120 000 fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 10.00 each through the exercise of option rights granted to directors, officers, senior executives and employees of the Company or its subsidiaries, according to plans established by the Board of Directors. 1 627 shares were used on 20 April 2023 for the remuneration of the Board of Directors.

Treasury shares


2023 in shares

2023 CHF 1 000

2022 in shares

2022 CHF 1 000

Balance as of 1 January

241 916

2 422



Purchase from Cicor Management AG

1 627


340 000

3 400

Purchase from stock market

40 305

1 832



Sale to stock market

–32 744

–1 475



Sale to Cicor Management AG





Used for acquisitions



–98 157


Share-based payments

–1 627




Balance as of 31 December

249 404

2 775

241 916

2 422

Financial income

Financial income includes dividends from subsidiaries of TCHF 5 222 (2022: TCHF 16 711) and foreign exchange gains of TCHF 796 (2022: TCHF 2 337).

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses include the remuneration to the Board of Directors of TCHF 381 (2022: TCHF 300) and other expenses (costs charged by Cicor Management AG, costs for the annual report, the Annual General Meeting and consulting, investor relations and audit) of TCHF 3 474 (2022: TCHF 2 728) .

3 Other information

3Other information  

Full-time equivalents

Cicor Technologies Ltd. does not have any employees.

Collateral provided for liabilities of third parties

For a lease contract between Cicorel and a Swiss insurance company, Cicor Technologies Ltd. grants a guarantee in favor of said insurance company in the amount of TCHF 6 906 (2022: TCHF 6 896), which represents the discounted value of future rental payments.

Pledged assets

The shares of the following companies are in deposit with Commerzbank AG and pledged as collateral for the syndicated credit line: Cicorel SA, Electronicparc Holding AG, Swisstronics Contract Manufacturing AG, Reinhardt Microtech AG, RHe Microsystems GmbH and Cicor UK Ltd.

Principal shareholders 

The following shareholdings correspond to the ones reported according to the regulations of the Swiss stock exchange (SIX Swiss Exchange) and updated as in the share register as of the end of the year.


31.12.2023 No of shares

in % 1)

31.12.2022 No of shares

in % 1)

OEP 80 B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands 2)

851 705


851 705


Lock-up Group Axis Electronics Management, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom 3)


265 607


Cicor Technologies Ltd., Boudry, Switzerland 4)

249 404


241 916


LLB (Swiss) Investment AG, Zurich, Switzerland

128 075


115 757


FundPartner Solutions (Suisse) SA, Geneva, Switzerland

111 649


111 649


Escatec Holdings Ltd., Port Vila, Vanuatu 5)

111 465


111 465


Quaero Capital SA, Geneva, Switzerland

107 898




1) In % of the total registered shares as per the end of the year.

2) Beneficial owner: OEP VIII GP, L.L.C., Wilmington, USA.

3) The Lock-up Group was terminated on 10 November 2023 and all of the individual shareholders are below the reporting threshold.

4) Number of shares according to the Company's share register.

5) Beneficial owner: Christophe Albin, Verbier, Switzerland.

Remuneration of Board of Directors and Group Management

Information on the remuneration of the Board of Directors and of the Group Management is disclosed in the Remuneration Report.

Shares or options on shares for members of the Board and employees

1 627 shares with a value of TCHF 64 of Cicor Technologies Ltd were transferred to members of the Board of Directors for remuneration purposes in financial year 2023 (2022: 0 shares). The Company does not have any employees.

Significant events after the balance sheet date

There were no events between 31 December 2023 and 5 March 2024 that would necessitate adjustments to the book value of the Company’s assets or liabilities, or that require additional disclosure in the financial statements.

4 Proposed carrying forward of the accumulated losses

4Proposed carrying forward of the accumulated losses

in CHF 1 000


Loss brought forward 1.1.

–43 996

Net result for the year

–3 314

Loss brought forward 31.12.

–47 310

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders’ on 18 April 2024, the Board of Directors will propose to forego a distribution of earnings.

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