
8.1Duration of the mandate and term of office of the lead auditor

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders elects the auditors for a term of one year. On 18 April 2023, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders mandated KPMG, Cicor’s Group auditor since 2007, for an additional year. KPMG audits the consolidated and statutory financial statements. The auditor in charge since 2020 of the current mandate is Kurt Stocker.

8.2Auditing fees

During the year under review, KPMG charged a total of TCHF 368 (previous year: TCHF 346) for their services in connection with the auditing of consolidated and statutory financial statements.

8.3Additional fees

KPMG additionally charged fees of TCHF 97 (previous year: TCHF 43) for other services provided to Cicor Group.

8.4Information instruments pertaining to the external audit

The Audit Committee supervises and controls on behalf of the Board of Directors the performance and independence of the external auditors. It determines the targets of the audit and assesses the work of the external auditors and their fees. In addition, it reviews the audit result and monitors the implementation of the findings by the management.

In 2023, the Audit Committee and the external auditors met once to plan the auditing of the financial statements of the Group and its subsidiaries. In a further meeting, these financial statements, as well as the corresponding “Management Letter” formulated by external auditors, were reviewed and discussed in detail with the Audit Committee. In total, the Audit Committee had four meetings in the presence of the external auditors.

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