The remuneration of the Board of Directors is determined on a discretionary basis, taking into account Swiss and international peer group benchmarks. The remuneration consists of an annual retainer fee paid in cash and restricted share units (RSUs) and additional committee fees paid in cash only, as shown in the table below:
in CHF 1 000 |
Cash 1) |
RSUs 2) |
Board chair retainer fee |
210 |
100 |
Board member retainer fee |
80 |
40 |
Committee chair fee |
20 |
- |
Committee member fee |
10 |
- |
1) The above table discloses the remuneration in cash effective 1 January 2024.
2) The above table discloses the remuneration in shares for the period starting after the AGM 2024.
An RSU is a personal award to receive one common registered share of Cicor per RSU. The number of granted RSUs is determined by dividing the relevant gross compensation amount by the average closing price of the Cicor share of the last 10 trading days immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting that marks the beginning of the term of office. The shares are usually transferred to the beneficiaries on the first trading day after the Annual General Meeting that marks the end of the term of office and are then subject to a three-year blocking period, during which they may not be sold or otherwise disposed of. The blocking period is lifted immediately on the date of a Board member’s demise.
The remuneration of the Group Management consists of a basic remuneration, a variable, performance-related bonus according to the short-term incentive plan (STI) and the participation in the long-term incentive plans.
The basic remuneration for the members of the Group Management may comprise a monthly salary, other benefits as per individual agreement and the relevant social security contributions. Other benefits as per individual agreement include contributions to professional development. The monthly salary is determined on a discretionary basis, taking into account the individual’s duties, amount of responsibility, qualifications and experience required, and benchmarks amongst Swiss and international peers. Cicor does not provide members of the Group Management with a company vehicle.
The short-term incentive plan (STI-Plan) is aimed at motivating the Group Management to focus their efforts on specific financial and individual objectives by setting out quantified targets and calculation formulas to determine the payout. It promotes initiative and coordinated efforts and rewards the performance of individuals and the Group. The STI-Plan for the Group Management consists of financial and individual objectives. Financial objectives include net sales (30%), EBITDA (30%) and operating free cash flow (25%) and account for a total of 85%, and individual objectives, one of which is an ESG objective accounting for 5%, for a total of 15% of the target amount.
The Board of Directors approves the financial and the individual objectives of members of the Group Management for the following year at their meeting in December. Financial targets are based on the annual budget and the payout is based on the actual financial results. A financial result on target entitles to a payout of 100% of the target amount, at the lower threshold the payout is 50%, while below the lower threshold there is no payout. When the financial or individual objectives are overachieved, the maximum payout is capped at 150% of the target amount. The range to achieve a payout of 50% / 100% / 150% is clearly defined for each KPI with payout being interpolated between the thresholds. The thresholds for net sales achievement are 90% / 100% / 110% of budget, for EBITDA achievement 85% / 100% / 115% of budget and for free cash flow 80% / 100% / 120% of budget.
The Remuneration Committee confirms the overall STI-Plan payout based on the true performance compared to budget and following the approach stated above. It makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors for a final decision in February and for payment in April.
For the Cicor Group, recruitment, motivation and long-term retention of top talent are key to achieving its goals. Additionally, Cicor applies the long-term incentive plans to align the interests of management with those of shareholders. Cicor maintains two long-term incentive plans (LTI-Plans) which are designed to retain and motivate the Group Management, senior executives and highly qualified and other key employees by providing long-term performance incentives. These plans reward beneficiaries for their contribution to the Group’s long-term success and creation of shareholder value. The LTI-plans thus link part of the annual performance-based remuneration of Cicor’s management to the long-term development of the Group. Cicor currently maintains a Performance Stock Option Plan and a Performance Share Plan.
Members of the Group Management may be invited to participate in the Performance Stock Option Plan (PSOP), upon individual nomination by the Board of Directors. Participants receive a grant of non-tradable performance stock options of Cicor at the beginning of a year which is determined by the Board of Directors. The performance stock options vest after a three-year vesting period if the participant is still in active employment with Cicor, with vesting depending on the achievement of the performance condition. The performance condition is relative total shareholder return (TSR), which compares the share price evolution plus accumulated dividend payments of Cicor with a predefined peer group1) of eleven listed companies in the EMS industry that are comparable to Cicor. Cicor engaged Obermatt to track Cicor's relative TSR compared to its peer group as part of the governance of the compensation process. If Cicor outperforms at least half of the peer companies, 50% of the performance stock options will vest. The vesting percentage can go up to 100% for being the best performing company, and down to 0% if more than 75% of the peer companies performed better than Cicor. Once vested, the stock options may be exercised for a period of four years. The gain realized by the participants corresponds to the difference between the share price of the Cicor share at the time of exercise and the exercise price of the stock option, with the exercise price being the closing price of the Cicor share at the last day before the vesting period starts. In case of a termination of the employment relationship by the employer for justified reasons or a termination by the participant for any reason, all unvested options lapse immediately on the termination day without any compensation. All vested options remain exercisable until the earlier of the end of the options term or the first anniversary of the termination date. In case of a participant's demise, a prorated number of options vest immediately on the termination date and all (previously or then) vested options are exercised immediately on the termination date (provided they are “in-the-money”, otherwise, they shall lapse immediately without any compensation). In all other cases (“good leavers”), the number of unvested options is prorated considering the termination date and the vesting date of such options remains unchanged. The resulting vested options are only exercisable within one year after the vesting date in that case. Options vested before the termination date are exercisable until the earlier of the end of the options' term or the first anniversary of the termination date. The Board of Directors may approve exceptions to the foregoing termination provisions.
Members of the Group Management and leadership team, as well as other selected key managers, may be invited to participate in the Performance Share Plan (PSP), upon individual nomination by the CEO and approval by the Board of Directors. Participants receive a grant of performance share units (PSU). A PSU is a conditional right to receive Cicor shares after a vesting period of three years if the Group meets certain performance targets over the vesting period and if participants are in active employment with Cicor at the end of the three-year vesting period. The performance conditions are reaching specific levels of revenue growth and EBITDA margin for Cicor Group. Depending on the achievement of these performance conditions, each PSU may be converted into up to two Cicor shares, which is the upper cap if the performance conditions are overfulfilled, or the PSU may lapse if the lower cap of the performance conditions are reached. In case of a termination of the employment relationship by the employer for justified reasons or a termination by the participant for any reason, all outstanding PSUs, whether vested or not, lapse immediately on the termination day without any compensation. In case of a participant's demise, a prorated number of PSUs vest immediately on the termination day and shares are subsequently delivered. In all other cases (“good leavers”), the number of PSUs is prorated considering the termination date and the vesting date and share delivery date for the prorated outstanding PSUs remain unchanged. The Board of Directors may approve exceptions to the foregoing termination provisions.
On 12 November 2021, the Company announced that a share-based special management incentive plan (MIP) was introduced for key managers of the Cicor Group. The program is fully sponsored by One Equity Partners (OEP), the anchor shareholder of Cicor, and is administered solely by the Board of Directors of the Cicor Group. This guarantees strict compliance with the common governance and transparency guidelines. The special management incentive plan does not give rise to any obligations to OEP by Cicor or by the employees concerned and creates no additional costs or liabilities for the Company or all other shareholders. The goal of the plan is to create stronger alignment between all Company shareholders and management.
Under the MIP, the key managers have the possibility to purchase share appreciation rights (SARs). One SAR needs to be purchased for CHF 1.00. Upon the full exit of OEP, one SAR pays the difference between the average weighted exit price OEP receives per share in Cicor minus the reference share price, which is set at CHF 60.00 per share, minus costs incurred by OEP for maintaining this incentive plan. The costs incurred by OEP also include the costs incurred by the Cicor Group because OEP must reimburse these costs. The current size of the MIP is 40 000 SARs, whereby some are reserved for future key managers that join the Cicor Group. The plan provides for customary vesting and forfeiture rules. The MIP was approved in a consultative vote by the 2022 Annual General Meeting.
The former LTI Plan has been discontinued after the financial year 2021 and was replaced by the Performance Stock Option Plan and the Performance Share Plan in financial year 2022. Information on the former LTI is disclosed in the 2021 remuneration report.
No member of the Group Management has an employment contract with a notice period of more than twelve months. None of these employment contracts involve any severance payments.