Notes 1–7

1 Principles of Consolidation and Valuation

1Principles of Consolidation and Valuation

These consolidated interim financial statements of the Cicor Group as of 30 June 2024 are prepared in accordance with Swiss GAAP FER 31 “Complementary recommendation for listed companies” (GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Principles / FER = Fachempfehlungen zur Rechnungslegung). They do not include all of the information and disclosures required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group’s annual report as at 31 December 2023. Furthermore, the accounting complies with the Swiss company law. The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2023 are available at or upon request from the Company’s registered office.

These consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 23 July 2024.

When preparing the consolidated interim financial statements, Management is required to make estimates and assumptions. Any alterations to these estimates and assumptions are adjusted in the reporting period in which the estimates and assumptions are changed. Income taxes are calculated based on an estimate of the income tax rate expected for the whole year.

The group has adopted the following new accounting standards in financial year 2024.

Adoption of FER 30 (revised 2022) – Consolidated Financial Statements

The Group applied Swiss GAAP FER 30 (revised 2022) for the first time in the financial year 2024. The revised standard defines the accounting principles and disclosure for consolidated financial statements. Cicor determined that the revision of FER 30 did not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.

Adoption of FER 28 – Government Grants

The Group applied Swiss GAAP FER 28 for the first time in the financial year 2024. The new standard defines the accounting treatment and disclosure of government grants. Cicor determined that the application of FER 28 did not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements.

2 Change to the Consolidation and Valuation Principles - Accounting for Goodwill

2Change to the Consolidation and Valuation Principles - Accounting for Goodwill

In recent years, it has become standard practice for listed companies applying Swiss GAAP FER to offset goodwill against equity. For this reason, and to facilitate comparability with other stock listed companies, the Board of Directors of Cicor Technologies Ltd. (Cicor) has decided that, from 1 January 2024, goodwill from acquisitions will be offset directly against equity at the time of acquisition, using the accounting policy choice provided in Swiss GAAP FER 30 "Consolidated financial statements". The impact of theoretical capitalization and amortization, including any impairment arising from the assessment of recoverability, will be disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Previously goodwill was capitalized and amortized over its estimated useful life. As this is a change in accounting policy, prior periods have been restated accordingly. Cicor previously reported the alternative performance measures "Core EBIT", "Core net profit" and "Core earnings per share", which excluded the amortization of goodwill and other intangible assets that were capitalized as part of an acquisition. These Core results will no longer be reported. The revised consolidation and valuation principles are described below.

Goodwill from the acquisition of companies and businesses is equivalent to the difference between the total consideration (purchase price plus transaction costs) and the interest in revalued net assets of the acquired company and can be positive or negative. Goodwill is offset against equity at the date of acquisition. The impact of theoretical capitalization and amortization of goodwill is disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. In an acquisition achieved in stages (step acquisition), the goodwill of each separate transaction is determined.

Minority interests acquired are likewise measured using the purchase method. The difference between the total consideration and proportionate equity is offset as goodwill against equity.

Companies and businesses sold during the year are excluded from the consolidated financial statements from the date of sale. Where interests in fully consolidated companies or companies accounted for using the equity method are sold, goodwill acquired at an earlier date and offset against equity is recognized in the income statement at original cost for the purpose of calculating the gain or loss resulting from the sale.

Financial effects of the change to the consolidation and valuation principles

in CHF 1 000




Balance sheet 1 January 2023




Intangible assets

58 342

–21 816

36 526

Retained earnings

–55 013

–21 816

–76 829





Balance sheet 1 January 2024




Intangible assets

48 441

–16 591

31 850

Retained earnings

–55 534

–16 591

–72 125





Income statement 1 January - 30 June 2023




Amortization and impairment

–5 033

2 829

–2 204

Operating profit (EBIT)

10 538

2 829

13 366

Net profit

4 894

2 829

7 722





Earnings per share 1 January - 30 June 2023 in CHF




- basic




- diluted




Goodwill from acquisitions (shadow accounting)

The goodwill from the acquisition of companies and businesses or the purchase of interests in associates or joint ventures is offset against equity at the date of acquisition. The theoretical capitalization of goodwill and its amortization over the expected useful life of usually 5 years would have the following effects on the consolidated interim financial statements as at 30 June 2024.

Theoretical movement schedule for goodwill

in CHF 1 000



Acquisition costs



Balance at 1 January

123 396

123 413


15 062


Translation adjustment

2 123


Balance at 30 June

140 581

124 696




Accumulated amortization



Balance at 1 January

–106 805

–101 597


–4 374

–2 829

Translation adjustment



Balance at 30 June

–111 832

–104 526




Theoretical net book value of goodwill



1 January

16 591

21 816

30 June

28 749

20 170




Equity as per balance sheet 30 June

131 056

133 626

Theoretical capitalization of goodwill

28 749

20 170

Theoretical equity incl. goodwill

159 805

153 796




Equity in % of total assets



Theoretical equity incl. goodwill in % of total assets






Net profit

11 886

7 722

Goodwill amortization

–4 374

–2 829

Theoretical net profit incl. amortization of goodwill

7 512

4 894

3 Definition of Non-GAAP Measures

3Definition of Non-GAAP Measures

Cicor uses the below non-GAAP measures in the financial reporting.


EBITDA as a subtotal includes EBIT before deduction of depreciation and impairment of tangible assets as well as amortization and impairment of intangible assets. EBIT as a subtotal includes all income and expenses before addition/deduction of financial income, financial expenses and income taxes.

Operating net working capital

The Cicor Group uses Operating net working capital as a measure to monitor net working capital. Operating net working capital considers Inventories, Trade receivables and Trade payables, as well as Prepayments from customers and to suppliers.

in CHF 1 000

Balance sheet allocation





157 213

135 365

Prepayments to suppliers for inventory

Other accounts receivable

1 849


Prepayments from customers for inventory

Other current liabilities

–37 675

–30 727

Operating inventory


121 387

105 419





Trade accounts receivable

Trade accounts receivable

78 506

51 108

Prepayments from customers other

Other current liabilities

–3 862

–1 611

Operating trade receivables


74 644

49 497





Trade accounts payable

Trade accounts payable

–52 040

–37 050

Prepayments to suppliers other

Other accounts receivable

1 667


Operating trade payables


–50 373

–36 723





Operating net working capital


145 658

118 193

4 Segment Reporting

4Segment Reporting

in CHF 1 000

EMS Division

AS Division

Total reportable segments

Corporate and eliminations


Income statement 01.01. - 30.06.2024






Sales to external customers

208 503

22 794

231 297


231 297

Intersegment sales


1 074

1 095

–1 095


Total Net Sales

208 524

23 868

232 392

–1 095

231 297


24 109

3 436

27 545

–2 816

24 729







Balance sheet 30.06.2024






Intangible assets

46 315


46 652


46 652

Other than intangible assets

328 072

38 321

366 393

4 948

371 341

Total assets

374 387

38 658

413 045

4 948

417 993

Total liabilities

258 362

19 462

277 824

9 113

286 937







Other segment information 01.01. - 30.06.2024






Capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment

4 618

1 009

5 627


5 627

in CHF 1 000

EMS Division

AS Division

Total reportable segments

Corporate and eliminations


Income statement 01.01. - 30.06.2023






Sales to external customers

178 901

20 251

199 152


199 152

Intersegment sales






Total Net Sales

178 997

20 638

199 635


199 152


20 439

2 433

22 872

–1 536

21 336







Balance sheet 30.06.2023 restated






Intangible assets

35 308


35 746


35 746

Other than intangible assets

300 421

36 330

336 751

12 026

348 777

Total assets

335 729

36 768

372 497

12 026

384 523

Total liabilities

216 682

20 759

237 441

13 456

250 897







Other segment information 01.01. - 30.06.2023






Capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment

3 997


4 572


4 572

Cicor defines its reportable segments based on the internal reporting to its Board of Directors. They base their strategic and operational decisions on these monthly distributed reports, which include the aggregated financial data for the Group and for the divisions. The two divisions, EMS and AS, have been identified as the two reportable segments.

The Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) division provides full-cycle electronic solutions from research and development to manufacturing and supply chain management for customers in the medical, industrial and aerospace and defense sectors, while the Advanced Substrates (AS) division provides its customers with high-quality printed circuit boards as well as thin-film substrates.

For internal reporting and therefore the segment reporting, the applied principles of accounting and valuation are the same as in the consolidated financial statements. Intersegment sales are recognized at arm’s length.

Sales by Region and by Industry

in CHF 1 000

01.01. - 30.06.2024

in %

01.01. - 30.06.2023

in %


43 457


43 530


Europe (without Switzerland)

155 857


125 738



22 269


20 499



8 515


7 616



1 199


1 769



231 297


199 152








77 001


81 668



55 887


54 719


Aerospace & defence

56 508


31 150


High-tech consumer

15 026


11 969



19 783


14 473



2 135


2 003



4 957


3 170



231 297


199 152


Major Customers

Cicor Group’s biggest customer contributed less than 5% (2023: less than 7%) to the Group’s consolidated sales.

5 Change in Scope of Consolidation

5Change in Scope of Consolidation

Acquisitions in 2024

Effective 24 January 2024, Cicor Group acquired 100% of the shares of STS Defence Ltd (STS), located in Gosport, England, for a total consideration of GBP 27.8 million (CHF 30.7 million). The site was integrated into the organizational unit “Cicor UK” of the Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) Division. The preliminary purchase price allocation resulted in goodwill of GBP 19.3 million (CHF 21.3 million) which has been offset against equity.
The company was consolidated as of 24 January 2024. Net sales from 1 January 2024 to 23 January 2024 amounted to GBP 1.3 million (CHF 1.4 million) and net sales from 24 January 2024 to 30 June 2024 amounted GBP 20.8 million (CHF 23.4 million).

Effective 28 February 2024, Cicor Group acquired 100% of the shares of Evolution Medtec Srl (EM), located in Bucharest, Romania, for a total consideration of RON 9.7 million (CHF 1.9 million). The site was integrated into the organizational unit “Cicor Europe” of the Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) Division. The preliminary purchase price allocation resulted in goodwill of RON 6.8 million (CHF 1.3 million) which has been offset against equity.
Evolution Medtec was consolidated as of 1 March 2024. Net sales from 1 January to 28 February 2024 amounted to RON 2.0 million (CHF 0.4 million) and net sales from 1 March to 30 June 2024 amounted RON 3.1 million (CHF 0.6 million).

Effective 31 March 2024, Cicor Group acquired 100% of the shares of TT Electronics IoT Solutions Ltd (IoT) for a total consideration of GBP 21.3 million (CHF 24.2 million). The transaction includes a total of seven companies, thereof two production sites in England (Newport and Hartlepool) that were integrated into the organizational unit “Cicor UK” and one production site in China (Dongguan) that became part of "Cicor Asia", all in the Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) Division. The preliminary purchase price allocation resulted in a bargain purchase of GBP -6.6 million (CHF -7.5 million) which has been offset against equity.
The IoT business was consolidated as of 31 March 2024. Net sales from 1 January to 31 March 2024 amounted to GBP 16.1 million (CHF 18.1 million) and net sales from 1 April to 30 June 2024 amounted to GBP 17.4 million (CHF 19.6 million).

Preliminary financial information on the transactions as per the acquisition date is disclosed in below table.

in CHF 1 000

STS 1)

EM 2)

IoT 3)







Purchase consideration paid

29 680

1 356

25 218

56 254

Purchase consideration deferred


–2 277

–1 895

Total purchase consideration

29 680

1 738

22 941

54 359

Direct costs related to acquisition paid



1 071

2 180

Direct costs related to acquisition deferred



Total consideration

30 665

1 862

24 233

56 759

Less: Fair value of net assets acquired

–9 407


–31 737

–41 697


21 258

1 309

–7 504

15 062






Property, plant and equipment



3 540

4 120

Intangible assets

12 967

3 249

16 215


4 237


26 888

31 141

Trade accounts receivable

4 765


10 294

15 362

Other accounts receivable, prep. exp. and accruals



3 303

3 912

Cash and cash equivalents

1 265


5 786

7 400

Deferred Tax assets / liabilities

–3 604


2 421

–1 174

Long-term financial liabilities



Long-term provisions

–3 128

–3 128

Short-term financial liabilities

–3 617


–3 622

Short-term provisions


–1 113

–1 189

Trade payables

–3 062


–7 864

–11 028

Other current liabilities and accruals

–4 361


–11 349

–15 748

Income tax payable





Total fair value of net assets acquired

9 407


31 737

41 697






Total consideration paid

30 665

1 480

26 289

58 434

Less: cash and cash equivalents acquired

–1 265


–5 786

–7 400

Cash outflow on acquisitions during the year

29 400

1 132

20 503

51 035

1) Acquisition of STS Defence Ltd, Gosport (United Kingdom).

2) Acquisition of Evolution Medtec Srl, Bucharest (Romania).

3) Acquisition of TT Electronics IoT Solutions Ltd (United Kingdom and China).

6 Equity


Share capital

 The ordinary share capital was increased by 67 447 ordinary shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each out of conditional capital according to Art. 5 bis of the Company's Articles of Association in the period under review. The increase was caused by the conversion of Mandatory Convertible Notes (MCNs) with a nominal value of CHF 3.2 million.

The ordinary share capital as of 30 June 2024 consisted of 3 478 616 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each (31 December 2023: 3 411 169 registered shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 each).

Mandatory convertible note

On 20 January 2022, Cicor issued a five-year, interest-free mandatory convertible note (MCN) with a principal amount of CHF 20.0 million. On 27 September 2022 Cicor exercised its option to reopen the issuance of the MCN in the amount of an additional CHF 40.2 million and to sell these additional notes to OEP, resulting in a total of CHF 60.2 million of MCNs outstanding.

The conversion price is fixed at CHF 47.50 per share, subject to subsequent adjustment for anti-dilution events. Shares to be delivered upon conversion of a MCN are new shares issued from the conditional capital according to Art. 5 ter of the Company's Articles of Association. No fractions will be delivered, and no cash payments will be made to the holders.

The MCNs contain the following early conversion option for holders: Each holder may elect to early convert MCNs during the optional conversion period starting 730 days after issuance up to ten days prior to maturity or following the formal announcement of a take-over bid to Cicor’s shareholders.

Until 30 June 2024, MCNs with a nominal value of CHF 3.2 million were converted into 67 447 new ordinary shares with a par value of CHF 10.00 that were created from the conditional capital according to Art. 5 ter of the Company's Articles of Association.

Upon occurrence of certain predefined events, the MCNs will be subject to an accelerated conversion and will be mandatorily converted on the maturity date, unless previously converted under the early conversion options or following an accelerated conversion. In accordance with Cicor’s accounting policy for interest-free mandatorily convertible notes, the MCN is classified as an equity instrument in its entirety, as it does not contain any obligations to deliver cash and does not require settlement in a variable number of the Group’s equity instruments.

7 Subsequent Events

7Subsequent Events

There were no events between 30 June 2024 and 23 July 2024 that would require an adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities or need to be disclosed under this heading.

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